SiS Work

Keeping records of worktime and attendance is a complex task. A well-designed dedicated system may, however, help users identify hidden cost sources, and improve the efficiency of payroll accounting. 


  • Equally capable of autonomous operation and integration with an access control system or other data supply installation
  • Designed for co-operation with payroll calculation software

Any payment of wages is based on worktime and attendance records, a reason compelling enough for SEAWING to offer a steady, user-friendly system to its customers.

System properties

Design module

With the help of the web Design interface, the display and planning of general presence, standby, overtime and holidays can be efficiently solved. The web application provides the opportunity to:

  • For planning schedules, readiness, holidays, overtime, 
  • Using built-in rules to control designs, 
  • To finalize the audited plans, 
  • To delete pending or already approved plans.

Application management module

The Applicant option makes it easy to handle and track employee requests (on-call, standby, overtime, travel, and leave requests, paid / unpaid absences), and the system can send an automatic notification email about them. . The requesting option of the Employee module allows employees to record various requests, while managers with the appropriate authority:

  • Applications can be approved or rejected, even in groups
  • They can record requests on behalf of another employee
  • They can review the planned schedules

Email sending features

When an application is recorded, the manager will be notified by e-mail of the new application recorded by the employees. As well, the employee will also receive a notification email stating whether the manager has approved or rejected his or her application.

An alert e-mail can also be sent to preset persons about the expiration of each document within 30 days during medical and occupational deadline management.

Working time frame module

The working time frame is the difference between the employee's total weekly / monthly working hours (time worked) and the time required to work (statutory time) required by law. If the difference value is negative, i.e., the worker has worked less than the statutory value, then the working time frame is deficient; if it is positive, that is, the employee has worked more than the statutory value, then the difference can continue to lead to overtime or working time frame payment entitlement, possibly paid to the employee.

Wage matching

Our SiS Work time and attendance system is compatible with various payroll systems, such as Nexon, Maxoft, SAP, Key-Soft, Abacus (VTsoft), Laurel, Gensoft software. In addition, our HR interface design allows for additional integration with other systems.

Additional features

  • Medical and safety deadline management interface 
  • Travel planning support features 
  • Functions for fuel metering 
  • Query options

Software tracking

Improvements to our SIS Work timesheet system (as well as our SIS access control system) are also ongoing, and our customers can expect 3 new versions per year, so SiS Work ensures continuous compliance with changes in workforce regulations and evolving technical requirements.