16 results

  • INTF-485ISO-5 galvanikus leválasztó

    Galvanikus leválasztó RS-485 adatvonalra; TTL szintű soros jeleket galvanikusan leválasztja és illeszti az RS-485 vonalra; közvetlenül az RS-485 meghajtó (75176 IC) foglalatba csatlakozik szalagkábellel; 5VDC tápellátás közvetlenül a panelról a szalagkábelen keresztül, max. átütési feszültség: 1000 VDC

    Csatlakozások: 1db RS-485 port; 1db TTL soros (8 pólusú szalagkábel)

  • USB-RS485PC-K külső interfész

    RS-485 vonal illesztése Seawing vezérlőgépre USB porton keresztül; tápellátás USB portról; USB szabvány: 2.0 full speed; működtetés saját illesztőprogrammal (driver CD a csomag része); operációs rendszerben virtuális soros portként látszik 

    Csatlakozások: 1db RS-485 (sorkapocs); 1db USB-B port

  • CON-811 8 vonalas multiplexer

    Összetett RS-485 hálózati topológiák kialakítására; csillagpontos struktúra; vonal hosszabbítás; vonal erősítés; vonal leválasztás; rendszer bővítése max. 31db terminállal; multiplexer vagy repeater üzemmód; területi anti-pass-back funkció; vészhelyzet program indítása/leállítása; jelenléttábla vezérlés; parkoló számláló; vonal leválasztáshoz; 12VDC/450mA

    Csatlakozások: 1db 12V táp bemenet; 8db RS-485 vonal (master); 1db RS-485 vonal (slave); 1db vészhelyzet indító bemenet; 1db vészhelyzet leállító bemenet

  • CAN-ISOL-1

    The CAN-ISOL-1 is a galvanic isolator in the SC-1000 integrated access system.Its basic task is to isolate the system data line in case of short-circuits or over voltage. Thereare two galvanically isolated but interchangeable CAN bus connectors, so the external andinternal bus lines are completely isolated. In case of surges the CAN buses are automaticallydisconnected and when the surges ceased the normal operating mode automaticallyreturns.

  • Railing elements

    T2 type barriers may be used as a supplement to the barrier devices of the access control system or as a stand-alone barrier system. Using the four column types in the product portfolio and the railing bar, a two-row, stainless, straight-line or 90-degree rotation railing system can be built.

  • SW-VILL-RS485 Túlfeszültség levezető

    Túlfeszültség levezető RS-485 adatvonalra; plug and play telepítés; túlfeszültség védelem: 4500V; működési feszültség: 0-5V; küszöb feszültség < 15V; max. átviteli sebesség: 1Mbps; leválasztott jelek: Tx, Rx, GND; késleltetés < 1ns; Galvanikus leválasztóval együtt javasolt használni.

    Csatlakozások: 1db RS-485 port input; 1db RS-485 port output

  • SC-1000

    Using SC-1000-MX7 enables the users to construct complex and integrated systems that can meet the highest levels of security and requirements. It combines proven technical solutions with the latest technologies and the results of IT developments. Thanks to the hardware and software architecture developed in this way, the network solutions based on the SC-1000 product family offers significant qualitative advances compared to the previous network solutions.

    The product family combines the CAN bus, which is a novelty in security technology, with traditional network and interface solutions under the Linux operating system.

    The SC-1000 is a microenvironmental solution for large computer network systems that enables innovative applications. The hardware-software solutions used represents a higher level of operation and system management. The SC-1000 product family is a system based on the latest security system design principles, using intelligent group controllers, capable of controlling a large number of access, security, output modules and other external devices.

  • SW-500

    This controller consists of a small DO-12-K control panel type SC-1000-03-D mounted in a metal plate box. It manages a single gateway where it performs all access tasks. It also performs its function fully in autonomous mode, as it stores all the parameters, cards, authorization and time data necessary for its operation, and it also records events offline. The terminals are connected to an RS-485 data line and communicate with the control unit via a TCP / IP, USB or RS-232 converter. There is no direct communication between the terminals, the data exchange takes place via a multiplexer if necessary.

  • 300 series

    SW-R-301 Card Reader is a model with traditional design in the universal proximity cardreader series SW-R-x01. Coloured anthracite or beige, it is a normal RFID reader in an ABSplastic casing with dull finish available for either indoor or outdoor use. PIN-code versionsare not available. It allows for a wide range of 13.56 MHz card technologies, whileidentification implements with an operating frequency of 125 kHz are not supported atpresent. Interface formats available include standard AbaTrack2, Wiegand, TTL serial, andCAN bus. In lack of enough space, versions with CAN bus cannot be added an I/O module. Itcan be mounted on metal surfaces via the spacers and brackets supplied, which makes itavailable for use at vehicular access control points too.

  • 400 series

    SW-R-401 Card Reader is the most commonly installed model in the universal proximity cardreader series SW-R-x01. It is available either as a normal RFID reader or along with an addedPIN keypad in a black-coloured ABS plastic casing with dull finish. It allows for a wide rangeof 13.56 MHz card technologies. Alternatively, with an add-on module built in, it can beturned into a dual reader to accommodate 125 kHz Indala cards as well. Interface formatsavailable include standard AbaTrack2, Wiegand, TTL serial, RS-232, CAN bus, and USB.Versions with CAN bus can be added an I/O module to run an access control point withoutneed for an SC-1000 access control module. It can be mounted on metal surfaces via thespacers and brackets supplied, which offers use at vehicular access control points, orattached a card-pocket for use in card-present mode.

  • 500 series

    SW-R-501 is the smallest-size model in the universal proximity card reader series SW-R-x01.It is offered as a normal RFID reader designed for indoor use only in a black-coloured ABSplastic casing with dull finish, and PIN-code versions are not available. It allows for a widerange of 13.56 MHz card technologies, not supporting identification implements with anoperating frequency of 125 kHz at present. Interface formats available include standardAbaTrack2, Wiegand, TTL serial, and CAN bus.

  • GP90

    The GP90 type of proximity readers recommended to use at such installation where bigger reader distance needed and high security cards are not required. The reader transmit frequency is 125 kHz and belongs to the so called „non-conversational” system category, which means the communication between the reader and identification not encrypted. The reader works with the  ASK type of EM4001 card and with the 64-bit Manchester encoded or compatible cards.

    It has an automatic tuning feature that helps to minimize the negative reading-distortion effects of metal and other sources of noise in the reader's ambient.

    Ideally, the reading distance may reach 90 cm, but in practice, a lower value is acceptable. In order to avoid faulty reading between two readers, a distance of three times the reading distance must be maintained.

    The device has Magstripe AbaTrack2, Wiegand, RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces, allowing for extensive use. In Seawing system the AbaTrack2 interface is preferred.

    The reader comes in black colour with a matte plastic cover, without power supply. It can also be fitted with a mounting column that facilitates the installation of the vehicle entry points.

Showing 12 of 16